

What are the types of charity/charity?


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Do you know how many types of donations there are? There are four types of charity. See! One is the donation of food, the second is the donation of medicine, the third is the donation of knowledge, and the fourth is the donation.

The first type of donation is the donation of food. For this donation, it is said that some man has come here to our house and says, 'Give me something, I am hungry.' Then say, 'Sit down, eat here. I will serve you, that food donation. Then what do the wise men say? You will feed this bodybuilder now, then how will you feed in the evening? Then God says, 'Don't make such a fool'. If this person ate, he would live to this day. Tomorrow again he will find someone else to live with. Then we don't have to think about tomorrow. You don't have to worry about what he will do tomorrow? He'll get it back tomorrow. You don't have to worry about whether you will always be able to give or not. You came here so you give him whatever you can give. Live today, that's all! Then tomorrow something else will emerge, you don't have to worry.

Questioner: Is food donation considered to be the best?

Dadashri: It is considered good to donate food, but how much can one give food donation? Some don't live forever, neither do people. If you can feed one hour, it is enough. The second half will come again. But today, you were alive even for a moment, didn't you! Now in this also people give leftovers or give them by making new ones?

Questioner: Those who are saved, they give, they give away their lives. If you survived, what should you do now?

Dadashri: Still make good use of it, my brother. But let me make a new one, then I would say that it is correct. Will there be any law or gossip going on with the Vitarags?

Questioner: No, no, there must have been gossip?

Dadashri: It does not work here with the, it everywhere else.


and other medicine, it is considered better than food donation. What happens with medicine? A man of ordinary condition, he is ill and goes to the hospital. And there someone says that, hey doctor has said, but I do not have fifty rupees to bring medicine, so how should I get medicine? Then we should say that this is fifty rupees for medicine and ten rupees for another. Either we give the medicine free of cost by bringing it from somewhere. Give us free of cost (free of cost) by spending money and bringing medicines. So if he takes that medicine, the poor person will live for four-six years. Medicine donation is more beneficial than a food donation. Do you understand? Which benefits more? Food donation good or medicine?

Questioner: Medicine.

Dadashri: Medicine is considered more valuable than a food donation. Because he lives even two months. Keeps man alive longer. Gives some freedom from pain.

The rest of the food donation and medicines are easily done by women and children here. It is not a very valuable donation, but it should be done. If we find someone like this, then if a sad person comes here, then give him whatever is ready immediately.

The gift of higher knowledge is knowledge

then called the gift of beyond that. Get the books printed in the donation of knowledge, explain to the people and take them on the right path and there should be the welfare of the people, getting such books printed, etc. That, the donation of knowledge. If you give knowledge, then you go to good speeds, to high speeds, or even to salvation.

That's why God has said the main thing, giving knowledge and where money is not needed, there he has spoken of fearlessness. Where there is a transaction of money, there it is said of the donation of knowledge and the donation of medicines and food donation to the people of ordinary condition, soft condition, is said of two.

Questioner: But if he has money left, he should donate it, shouldn't he?

Dadashri: Charity is the best. Where there is sorrow, reduce the sorrows and spend the other on the right path. Donate knowledge in such a way that people go on the right path. There is a great gift of knowledge in this world. If you know one sentence, then how much profit you get. Now if that book goes into the hands of the people, how much more profit!

Questioner: Now I understand correctly...

Dadashri: Yes, therefore the one who has more money, should mainly donate knowledge.

What should that knowledge be like now? People should have such knowledge to be beneficial. Yes, not for listening to dacoits. He drops it. If you read it, there is joy in it, but it keeps on going downhill.

Abhaydan from the highest

and fourth Abhaydan. Fearlessness, keeping such behavior that no living being should be hurt, that fearlessness.

Questioner: Abhaydan, please explain more.

Dadashri: Abhaydaan means that no living being should be hurt in the slightest from us. I will give an example of that. I used to go to the cinema, at a young age, at the age of twenty-twenty-five. So when I came back, it was twelve o'clock in the night. When he used to walk on foot, the shoes used to rattle. We used to get those iron cords installed, so there would be knocking and the sound would have been very good at night. Poor dogs would be sleeping at night, they would be sleeping comfortably, they would raise their ears by doing this. Then we would have understood that the startled poor thing was because of us. How were we born in such a locality that even dogs are scared of us? That's why beforehand, he used to take off his shoes from a distance and come in his hand and come secretly, but he would not let him be shocked. This is our experiment at a young age. Are you surprised by your reason?

Questioner: Yes, there was deflection in his sleep too, didn't he?

Dadashri: Yes, then he is not startled, otherwise he will not give up his nature. Sometimes barking is right, whatever the nature is. So let him sleep, so what's wrong? Do not bark at the local people because of this.

That is why fearlessness, no living being should suffer in the slightest, such feelings are kept first and then they are used. If you have made senses, then they are used. But if you haven't done it? That's why God called it a big donation. There's no need for money in that. This is the highest charity, but it is not in the hands of man. Even if you are the people of Lakshmi, you cannot do this. Therefore, the people of Lakshmi should complete their (donations) with Lakshmi.

That is, apart from these four types of charity, there is no other kind of charity, God has said. Everyone else talks about charity, they are all fantasies. These are the only four types of charity, food donation, medicine donation, then knowledge donation, and fearlessness. Until possible, the feeling of fearlessness should be kept in the mind.


  1.  donation/charity: what are the benefits?
    A. Questioner: Why do people give charity? Dadashri: People give charity because they get.

  2. Q. What is the relationship between money and charity?
    A. Questioner: Is there no place for money in these four departments of charity? Dadashri:

  3. Q. How much money should be donated how much should be donated?
    A. Questioner: What do you mean by 'surplus'? Dadashri: Extra means you two more.

  4. Q. How to donate? How to do charity?
    A. Money will be spent, such awareness should not be maintained. The time spent is right. That's why the money should be spent.

  5. Q. Where should the donation be given?
    A. A man was asking me for advice that if I want to give, then how should I give it? Then I thought, to give money to it

  6. Q. Who is the secret donation?
    A. Questioner: For the soul, fame is inconsequential, isn't it? Dadashri: Kirti is a very harmful thing.

  7. Q. What is the importance of donating to the temple?
    A. Questioner: We went to the temple, did people spend crores of rupees behind the stones there? And God

  8. Q. What are the benefits of donating to the poor?
    A. Questioner: To get peace of mind, should a person serve a poor person, a handicapped person, or God

  9. Q.properly How to use money?
    A. Questioner: But if someone gets lakhs of rupees due to his virtuous deeds, then distribute it among the poor.

  10. Q. Should black money be donated?
    A. Theft of the anvil, donation of needle Questioner: Many say that if you donate, you become a god, that is right.

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