10 Donation Sites Between Individuals (Money, Objects, Furniture, Car)


10 Donation Sites Between Individuals (Money, Objects, Furniture, Car):

10 Donation Sites Between Individuals (Money, Objects, Furniture, Car)

Recover so as not to have to borrow from a bank. In these difficult situations, you can borrow without going through a bank or why not receive free donations. It is more and more common to be able to find an association that gives furniture to people without resources.

All the best object donation sites

Solidarity can also take this face: that of not having to buy and spend by recovering already used objects that we will be given for free. Degrowth is a way for the poor, or needy students, to put consumer goods back into circulation that is doomed to be destroyed. Free exchange is essential. To be implemented to furnish your apartment at a lower cost, after having received financial assistance to be able to find accommodation.

The idea of ​​being part of a community

Recovery is a new way of consuming, more ecological, and more humane, it helps the poorest or simply those who cannot afford to borrow to buy what they need. need.

But the recovery or the donation of individuals can also be used for associations, which by reselling donated objects for a few euros will be able to have funds to be able to make microloans, for example. There are those who specialize in just about every area.

What it is possible to find for free or almost Free

  1. Furniture:

The Emmaüs. Not only does this association recycle, but it takes advantage of donations to create jobs, by hiring the long-term unemployed to reintegrate them into working life. Its only problem: it needs space, and the Emmaüs depots are often far from the city center.

2. Computers:

We can no longer do without computers in our society. But getting a laptop, tablet or PC is expensive. Some people regularly change computers, the Antanak recovers them, puts them in working order, and resells them symbolically or gives them to people who need them.

3. Clothes:

The association Le Relais collects used clothes, to put them back into circulation at a lower cost. Collection terminals are installed in major cities.

4. Books:

Recyclivres is an association that recovers second-hand books. The money raised with donations is used to fight against illiteracy. Why let tons of paper lie dormant in your library and gather dust when you can benefit the community?

Internet sites for donating objects

There were classified ad sites, where it was possible to resell things belonging to us, such as Price Minister or Le Bon Coin, now there are donation sites, which meet a need but also a philosophy.

Some examples of sites: 


And if its objects could have a second life thanks to the donation? This is the principle of this website, which offers to recover rather than throw away. There are many people who need it, and it costs nothing to put your objects online in order to have them change owners without asking for anything in return. It's also a way to empty your cellar and attic, whether you're in France, Switzerland, or need a donation in Belgium.

Go to Donnons.org


Moving can be an opportunity to make room at home, by getting rid of bulky objects sleeping in the cupboards. Giving everything is an opportunity to do something ecological, and to help others. People in need will find what they are looking for, since the site is organized like a flea market, with the possibility of having clothes, but also not paying for furniture or household appliances.

Go to ToutDonner.com

The Recup.net site

Another donation site that avoids putting what you no longer use in the trash, and shares the same opportunity to work for sustainable development. It is also possible to exchange items without financial compensation. The site only accepts donations, not the sale of items. Donations can be made region by region, and thus facilitate the fact of picking them up, especially for bulky furniture.

It remains to settle the recovery. For this, donors and interested persons must get in touch to organize the withdrawal of the object. For this, it will be necessary at one time or another to be required to communicate their personal details.

(Update: the site is no longer active)


Recycling objects sometimes means helping those who need them. On I give everything, the site connects donors (who make room for them at the same time) and the beneficiaries of this generosity. Being on the RSA or job seeker does not always allow you to buy the things you need. 

Go to JeGonneTout.com

Advertisements must only relate to donations, clever little guys sometimes being disguised sellers, which the site tries to avoid as much as possible.

You can also run a search. Thus, if I need television, but there is no TV available online, it is possible to place an ad to appeal for donations.

In general, on all donation sites, we recommend being wary of ads that seem too good to be true. Thus, responding to a proposal for the provision of a car, or the donation of a motorcycle is suspect.

Other donation sites are available online. Let's mention co-recyclage.com, and Conso Recup, which avoid throwing away what can still be used.

Money donations between individuals: Babyloan.org

Money lending between individuals can also take the form of a financial donation, but beware of credit scams between individuals! 

This is not at all the case with the participative platform of Babylon, which connects entrepreneurs who are looking for small financing and Internet users who want to do something else with their savings than to place them in a bank account that brings in a little. 

Obtaining money without going through a bank loan is a different way of looking at the economy.

Babylon is a crowdfunding site, which makes solidarity an economic force, capable of financing activities around the world. Obtaining a small loan through this means getting out of precariousness.

How does Babyloan.org work?

The site brings together many projects of entrepreneurs, who develop their activity, but also their financing needs.

Internet users are free to choose the project they wish to help take shape, or which they will allow development.

The latter can be 20 euros or 5000, for everyone to put in the basket according to their means and according to their budget. The money will be used directly to finance his choice, and the entrepreneur will receive the amount decided.

Once the entrepreneur has repaid, the lender is free to reinvest his contribution in another company for a new project.

Important: it's interest-free, so you can't make a profit by lending on babyloan.org. The goal is not to save to make your capital grow but to intervene where banks are generally too cautious, because of the economic situation of the applicants found on the site.

Microcredit explained to children

Microcredit allows you to carry out your project, even without the support of conventional banks. Microfinance pulls people upwards, giving them the means to do a lot with little, to create their own jobs, their labor force, and to reap the benefits to live on and support their families.

Micro-Entrepreneurs are more numerous every day, and this is proof that this system works, and that there is another way to borrow. Individuals can therefore also finance projects in which they believe, with a purpose other than that of earning money on the backs of others, but by using their savings for something concrete, which will have a real impact on the society.

Solidarity loans are sometimes the last chance for those who do not have access to credit to find professional financing, even and especially for projects in rural areas where the income of creators is often quite low.

Receiving a gift, finding a free opportunity: so many solutions available to those whom fate has not spoiled. For over-indebted Banque de France people who need urgent financing, we recommend looking into donations between individuals, friends, and family members. The other possibilities seem inadequate.

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