
Importance of Donation: This is the importance of donation, know what is the donation of which item, what is the fruit


Importance of Donation: Great importance of donation has been told in Sanatan culture. Glorifying charity in mythological texts has been described as necessary for both enjoyment and salvation. It is said in the scriptures that by doing charity and charity according to one's ability, one attains all the pleasures in this world and attains salvation in the hereafter. Therefore, human beings donate in normal circumstances, on dates-festivals, at pilgrimage sites, for the accomplishment of a particular task.

The type of charity is mentioned

In the scriptures, four types of effort are mentioned in Puranic scriptures. Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Similarly, some sanskaras have great importance in Sanatan culture. One of these is charity. Three types of donors have been described in the Vedas. Which is the best, the middle, and the worst. The charity which is given for the advancement of religion for the purpose of truthfulness comes in the category of the best charity. Charity done out of selfishness comes in the category of medium charity and the person who gives charity to a wicked person like a prostitute, brand, etc., such a donation is called poor charity. In the Puranic scriptures, food donation, education, protection, and wealth donation are considered to be the best.

also, recognition gets rid of the attachment to the pleasures of charity. There is freedom from suffering and attainment of happiness and wealth. The person who donates to the needy enjoys all kinds of pleasures in this world and attains salvation in the hereafter. By donating, the defects of the planets are also removed.

By donating different things, different fruits are

obtained. In the scriptures, some special things have been told in relation to charity. According to this, the person giving the donation should face the east direction and the person taking the donation should face the north direction. Donating different things gives different results. By donating clothes one attains heaven. Donating jaggery brings wealth and grain. Silver should be donated for the attainment of form and beauty. Eye diseases are not caused by donating a lamp. Donating medicine to a patient brings happiness. By donating grass to a cow, one gets freedom from sins. Donating sesame seeds gives birth to a child. Donating iron gives freedom from diseases.

also joins other peace donating cotton. Donating gold gives long life. By donating to Bhutan one gets a good house. By donating cows one attains the sun world. Donating Ghee brings wealth and food grains. With the donation of salt, food grains are filled in the house. Wealth is obtained by donating Saptadhanya. Sesame, iron, gold, cotton, salt, saptadhanya, land, cow are called Ashtadhanya. Donating them on any auspicious occasion or festival gives auspicious results. To satisfy the ancestors, these ten great donations are made to cow, land, sesame, gold, ghee, clothes, grains, jaggery, silver, salt.

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