Eye Donation after death? Learn all about this 10-minute process
Frequently Asked Questions: You've heard of eye donation, but find out today how it works. How long does it take to do this and what do doctors do after someone dies.
If you donate your eyes to someone, it's not just two people. Gets.

Blood donation and eye donation is considered to be the biggest donation. When you give eyes to someone, only two people do not get light. That is, you give the light of happiness in the lives of two people. You may have heard a lot about eye donation, but you will still have many questions in your mind about how eye donation is done after someone dies. Has it been completely surgically removed or has the whole eye been removed? Apart from this, if someone dies, what should the family members do for eye donation?
If you have the same question in mind, we are answering every question regarding eye donation so that you can know about eye donation. People can also come forward for this. For this, TV9 spoke to Dr. Soumya Sharma, Senior Consultant, Sharp Site Eye Hospital, Delhi, who answered every question you need to know about eye donation ...
What is eye donation?
Doctor Soumya said, 'Eye donation means giving sight to someone after death. It is a kind of eye donation, which helps to see another blind person after death. Since people believe that it is an eye replacement, it is not. This is a cornea donation. In this, the whole eye is not removed, that is, the eyeball is not removed, only the replacement tissue is taken. It happens after the death of any blood donor.
Who can donate eyes?
The doctor said, 'In most cases, everyone can donate eyes. There is no difference in blood type, eye color, eye location, size, age, sex, etc. The person receiving the corneal tissue does not need to match the donor's age, gender, or blood type. Even patients with diabetes and asthma can donate eyes. In addition, patients with high blood pressure or non-communicable diseases can also give eyes.
Those who cannot donate
Doctors have told Soumya, those who have died of infectious diseases, AIDS, rabies, hepatitis B or C, tetanus, etc., can not be donated eyes.
What should family members do before or after an eye donation?
Family members need to keep a few things in mind until after death. One or two blind people can be helped if the family members of the deceased take care of some things. So these things should be kept in mind:
- Within 4-6 hours of death, the eyes should be lifted and for this, the nearest eye bank should be contacted. Eye removal can be done by a trained medical professional and the procedure can be done either at home or in the hospital. The whole eyeball is not removed so that there is no distortion. Only corneal tissue is removed, so there is no need to panic or panic. This whole process only takes 10 to 15 minutes. Family members of the deceased put cotton in the eyes of the deceased. At the same time, the head of the dead person should be raised up to 6 inches so that blood does not come out from the eyes. The head should be covered with clean polythene and ice. In addition, the doctor should give antibiotic eye drops and keep the fan off until the doctor reaches home. Also, care should be taken until the eyes are infected.
Who can call the medical team after death?
After death, any member of the family can contact the eye bank for details. They will send you a team of medical professionals and will take blood to diagnose the infectious disease and perform the procedure of eye removal after giving the injection.
Do you need any documents for this?
For this, a basic form is filled out by iBank. No special documents are required for this, which may be a problem for the family of the deceased. This is a simple and fast process.
How long do you have to donate eyes?
Eye donation should be done within 4 to 6 hours of death. The special thing is that there is no delay in the organization of the funeral and there is no distortion.
For how many days are the eyes accustomed to return?
In fact, it depends on the location of the cornea, and this is done by the eye bank. However, these eyes are usually used within four days.
Does the family have to pay any fee?
If this provision is to be complied with, then by law it is tantamount to buying and selling organs, which is illegal. This can lead to many crimes, so no family will have to pay and will not receive any money in return. Donation means it is not for any commercial purpose.
How to be an eye donor?
Eye donation is an important part of giving light after death. Each cornea gives light to 2 corneal blind people. The process of becoming an eye donor is quite simple. To become an eye donor, one needs to make a commitment by filling out a form at your nearest iBank. They were then given an eye donation card. It's just the process. Giving sight to anyone is a priceless gift.