4 tips: How to write successful donation letters


4 tips: How to write successful donation letters

4 tips: How to write successful donation letters

How is taking donations very important? And to get the donation, you have to write a letter in a Proper Way. Today in this post I will tell you how to write a donation letter to get a donation. Keep reading from beginning to end. Come on, it will come in handy.

Have you ever written a donation letter yourself? Or have you ever been assigned the task of assessing an agency's donation letter and making suggestions for improvement? If so, then you have a definite advantage. Because your non-profit organization has the opportunity to have professional donation letters written for you. Many smaller ones cannot fall back on it.

How do you write donation letters?

They have to write their donation letters themselves and that's not easy! Find out in the following article how to professionally write and design donation letters yourself!

You should keep these 4 tips in mind when writing a donation letter

1. Choose a suitable donation purpose

After various donation scandals in the past, more and more donors today want to know what they are donating their money. For this reason, letters of donation that leave the purpose of the donation in the dark or do not specifically name it are met with skepticism.

Therefore: Describe the purpose of the donation as specifically as possible. The more specifically he is presented in the donation letter, the greater his chances of success.

  • So don't write: "Donate so that the seniors in our community don't have to be alone at Christmas",

  • but: "Donate so that we can host a Christmas party for the seniors in our community."

2. Define the target group

Not every donation letter is suitable for every target group. Therefore, think about which target group you want to address.

Consider this: you should formulate a donation letter addressed to mothers between the ages of 25 and 40 differently than a letter to companies in the region.

Alternatively, you can also consider formulating different donation letters for different target groups for a project.

3. Formulate the donation letter

In an appealing way Your donation letter should answer the most important questions for potential donors right from the start:

  • Who is your organization?

  • What do you want from the donor?

  • Why are you writing to him?

A little story that you tell is also helpful for the reader to get started with the donation letter:4-year-old Jana wants a Barbie for Christmas. But her parents live in a refugee camp…”

It is important to note, however, that the story is meant to be true. If a reader has even the slightest doubt that the story might be fabricated, telling a story has the opposite effect: the reader will not donate and your organization will be remembered negatively in the future.

4. Enclose a payment

slip If you don't have a payment slip, you don't even need to send the donation letter. The payment slip should already contain all the information so that the donor only has to enter their account details and their signature.

How do you successfully structure donation letters?

Structure your donation letter according to the AIDA principle. It is structured as follows:

A = Attention 

Get the attention of your readers in the donation letter. You can e.g. B. reach through a call or an interesting story.

I = Interest

Explain what interests you and what your project is about.

D = Desire

Make the reader want or need to help at all costs.

A = Action

At the end of the letter, tell the reader what they should do to help your organization (“You can help with a donation of just €10.”)

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