6 fundraising projects

 You should support these 6 fundraising projects

6 fundraising projects

 Christmas is approaching, and every year the question of suitable gifts arises. How about a helpful donation instead of superfluous consumption? A large number of projects for the environment, climate, children, poverty, and many more are happy about any support, no matter how small. Because doing good can be so easy. We reveal what you need to look out for when donating and which projects make sense.

Meaningless gifts and long faces at the end of the loved ones. It doesn't have to be, because with a donation you can make Christmas sustainable this year and show that people in need and our environment are important to you. This form of giving has become increasingly popular in recent years, especially at Christmas time. According to the "German Donations Council", the month of December brings in a fifth of all donations annually.

This is how you recognize reputable organizations

In the world of charitable organizations, alongside those who do important and valuable work, there are unfortunately also some who take advantage of the good faith of donors and embezzle donations. According to the "DZI" (German Central Institute for Social Issues), most donation organizations in Germany are trustworthy, but there are still a few black sheep. Intrusive, pressurizing advertising, opaque organizational structures, or excessively high advertising and administration costs should make you skeptical.

The best indication of whether an organization is serious or not is the annual report. It shows what the income and expenses resulted from in the past year. The seal, which the "DZI" awards after six months of testing all quality standards, also helps with the assessment. However, this seal costs money that cannot flow into projects, which is why smaller organizations often do without it. Spiegel magazine's ranking of the top 50 fundraising organizations is also useful (you can find it further down the article).

Pay attention to the portion for advertising and administration costs

Another indicator is advertising and administration costs. In the case of "Greenpeace", for example, these are nine percent, in the case of the "German Animal Welfare Association" almost 20 percent, and in the case of "UNICEF" 25 percent. Particularly little is invested in these items at “Welthungerhilfe”. With a donation of 100 euros, this organization only saves 5.70 euros for advertising and administration. In principle, up to 30 percent is justifiable, according to the "DZI".

It is also positive if an aid organization was already on-site before a disaster occurred and can fall back on existing structures. This guarantees fast, efficient help.

These organizations received good ratings

According to a 2016 evaluation by “Spiegel” you are in the right place with your donation to these organizations, among others. However, only one organization received the best rating of 5.0.

  • Kindernothilfe (5.0)

  • Oxfam (4.7)

  • Caritas international (4.4)

  • Plan International (4.4)

  • SOS Children's Villages worldwide (4.4)

  • amnesty international (3.3)

  • NABU (3.3)

  • Greenpeace ( 3.1)

  • Reporters Without Borders (3.1)

  • SOS Children's Villages (3.1)

In an earlier study, the Deutsche Welthungerhilfe eV (5.0), World Vision Germany eV (5.0), Doctors Without Borders, among others eV (4.7), CARE Deutschland eV (4.7), and the German Committee for UNICEF eV (4.7) already took the top spots and were therefore no longer evaluated in this study.

6 projects you should support this year

Whether reforestation the Amazon, rescuing orangutans, or avoiding plastic, various projects could use your support this year.


This year's devastating fire in the Amazon region was one of the largest natural disasters in the world - with immense consequences. Many organizations such as the "WWF" are therefore committed to protecting and preserving the Amazon. Here you can support him.

Stop factory farming

If your donation is to benefit animal welfare, then help the "BUND" in its fight against factory farming. You can find more information here.

Helping refugees in Syria

Catastrophic, inhumane conditions often prevail in refugee camps. With your donation to Welthungerhilfe, you are helping refugees in Syria to have access to hygienic sanitary facilities by installing and maintaining toilets and showers.

Protecting orangutans

The extraction of palm oil is destroying large areas of rainforest and thus the habitat of endangered animal species such as orangutans. The organization Orangutans in Need contributes to the protection of these animals with sanctuaries, reintroduction programs, reforestation, and environmental education.

fight against plastic

Our seas are increasingly becoming a landfill. NABU is committed to cleaning up beaches, professionally disposing of rubbish, and providing valuable information. Support him!

Planting trees

Trees absorb CO2 and give off oxygen. They are also the habitat of many animal species. At Plant for the planet or Treedom, you can plant trees that are so important for our climate.

Make meaningful donations in kind

The international development organization Oxfam is happy to receive discarded clothing, books, toys, or household items that are in good condition. These are sold in shops and the proceeds are used to finance emergency aid and development projects.

Tip: Due to the administration fees incurred, the "Stiftung Warentest" recommends that donations of 100 euros or more be distributed among various

organizations. Incidentally, donations can be deducted from taxes up to a maximum of one-fifth of the total income.

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