How to Ask For donations?

 How to Ask For donations?

How to donate?

Information about Novia's fundraising Polytechnics

can raise funds for the activities described in section 4 of the Polytechnics Act (932/2014).

Section 4 Tasks

 The task of polytechnics is to provide such higher education for vocational expert tasks that are based on the requirements of working life and working life development as well as on research and artistic and cultural points of departure and to support students' professional development.

The polytechnics shall also conduct applied research activities and development and innovation activities that benefit the polytechnic teaching, promote working life and regional development and renew the business structure in the region, and conduct artistic activities. When the polytechnic fulfills its tasks, it must promote lifelong learning.

Individuals, companies and communities can donate. The funds raised will be used to benefit the polytechnic's activities. Specifically, it can be about, for example, acquiring important infrastructure and modernizing teaching environments. For donations of at least 10,000 euros, gift certificates are settled. In the gift certificate, the donor can indicate whether the gift is directed to a specific area of ​​education or to the university in general. The state's counter-financing strengthens the university's capital and is booked in the fund for paid - up, unrestricted equity.


Private individuals' and community donations to Novia are deductible in taxation

As of 1 January 2016, private individuals may deduct money donations to universities in their taxation. Previously, only communities had the right to deduct taxes.

During a tax year (calendar year), private individuals and estates can deduct donations of at least 850 and a maximum of EUR 500,000 in their taxation. Novia submits the information on the deductible donations received during the tax year to the tax administration.

Communities are entitled to tax deductions from donations ranging from 850 to 250,000 euros. Societies are obliged to notify the tax authority themselves of deductible donations.

Deductible are only such donations made for the purpose of supporting science or art. Donation is by its nature a free performance that does not presuppose consideration. Donations made in the form of other assets are not entitled to a deduction.

The purpose of the right to deduct is to promote the private financing of universities and colleges.

Strategically directed donations

If you want to donate 10,000 euros or more, you can choose which educational area you want to direct your donation to or you can support the polytechnic's activities in general.

Our education

areas Technology and communication Engineer (YH), ​​Builder (YH), ​​Sea Captain (YH)

Social, health and sports area Nurses (YH), ​​Healthcare (YH), ​​Sociologist (YH), ​​Midwife (YH), ​​Bioanalyst (YH) , X-ray nurse (YH), ​​Estenom (YH)

The social science, business economics and administrative area Tradenom (YH), ​​business economics

Culture Musician (YH), ​​Music educator (YH), ​​Designer (YH), ​​Visual artist (YH), ​​Medianom (YH), ​​Performing arts teacher (YH)

Nature management and the environmental area Agrologist (YH), ​​Forestry engineer (YH), ​​Horticulturist (YH), ​​Environmental planner (YH)

Tourism, diet and finance industry Restonom (YH)

The scientific area Tradenom (YH), ​​information processing

Gift certificate

For a donation of at least EUR 10,000 , a gift certificate must be filled in for private individuals as well as for communities and companies.

You can download the gift certificate with a permit for fundraising in Finland here>   

or contact Pia Rönnlund, mobile 050 595 2331 

Completed gift certificate sent to

Novia University of Applied Sciences | Donate

CEO Assistant Pia Rönnlund

Wolffskavägen 31

65200 VASA

Thank you for your donation!

The donors 'information is registered in Novia University of Applied Sciences' donor register.

We publish the names of the donors who give their permission.

We help you with your donation

Practical questions in connection with donations

Assistant CEO Pia Rönnlund, mobile 050 595 2331


Larger and strategically targeted donations

Rector / CEO Örjan Andersson, mobile 050 527 2286

Permit for fundraising in Finland

Licensee: Ab Polytechnic at Åbo Akademi University (2059910-2)

Permit for fundraising granted by: The National Police Board Lottery

numbertime of grant: RA / 2020/848, granted start date 14.7.2020

Time of organization of the collection: from 14.7.2020 Area

of ​​organization of the collection: the whole country except Åland

Use purpose of the funds raised: The funds raised are used for the management of the data referred to in section 4 of the Polytechnics Act and to provide capital to the polytechnics. 

The person who in practice arranges the collection: Novia University

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